Your Clients Will Be In Good Hands!
Here at Realty World we know how hard you work to earn the trust of your clients.
We have a full-time staff of licensed property managers and leasing agents that currently manage properties all over Santa Clara County.
Every client that is referred to Realty World Santa Clara is marked with their referring agents contact information in our database so when the time comes and the client decides to sell their property, the referring agent is contacted and given an opportunity to represent them.
Once the referred client signs our property Management Agreement and we have collected our administrative fees we will issue a referral fee which is paid to the referring agent through their broker.
With so many property management companies out there I want to thank you for your referral. We are committed to giving your client the best service possible and look forward to creating a strategic partnership with you.
If you have any questions about our Referral program please contact us at 408-370-1000 to ensure that we are a good fit for your client.
To Your Success Always!
Rob Zuvela
Broker / Owner